The goldenberry value chain in Colombia
Colombia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of goldenberry, also known as uchuva, physalis and cape gooseberry. In 2022, production exceeded 20,000 tons, of which more than 8,500 tons were exported. The Netherlands was the destination market for around 64% of these exports. For this reason, the Netherlands has a special interest in supporting the sustainable growth of this production chain, with a special focus on the social and environmental dimensions.
Resilience was commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Bogotá to carry out a study identifying challenges and bottlenecks faced by the many actors in the value chain, as well as opportunities for Dutch businesses. For this, we performed a total of 35 between interviews and field visits, with actors from the private sector (Colombian and Dutch), public sector and sector associations, and knowledge or research institutions.
In the field, growers deal with fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Phoma, which can cause the total loss of the crop. Currently, there are no goldenberry varieties resistant to these fungi. Furthermore, growers and exporters (who perform quality control and packing of the fruits) highlight the need for labour both in the field and in the grading phase. At the same time, the low availability and high cost of rural labour is a challenge. Other challenges include the incidence of fungi in post-harvest stages and the scarce resources allocated to scientific research on goldenberry, as well as a short shelf-life at the destination market.
Dutch actors can offer solutions to overcome bottlenecks, including the improvement of agricultural practices, identification of Fusarium oxysporum-resistant varieties, traceable production of seeds, improvement of post-harvest disease management, access to financing for producers, and research into new grading technologies.
Bogotá, Colombia
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