At Resilience, we conduct gender-focused research, provide gender advisory and capacity-building services, and monitor and evaluate our projects from a gendered perspective to contribute to gender equality and equity. We strive to always be gender-sensitive and introduce gender-specific activities that lead to transformative gender results. This means we take into account how gender norms, roles and relationships for women, men, girls and boys affect access to and control over resources (including knowledge and training), decision-making power and responsibilities.
When conducting gender analysis and research, we go beyond just looking at gender-disaggregated data. Through gender analysis, we explore how beliefs and norms influence roles and responsibilities, access to resources and decision-making power, leading to an understanding of the needs and priorities of the different stakeholders. In this way, we contribute to overcoming the challenges that preserve gender inequalities and to normalise defying from embedded gender norms and values. By combining quantitative and qualitative data and working closely with communities, businesses and project implementers, we ensure our research is relevant to and respectful of local cultures, allowing us to design inclusive processes and targeted affirmative actions adapted to the local context. The gender analysis for the Agrovida project is an example of such research.
We believe that not everyone has to be a gender expert in order to be gender inclusive. Therefore, in our gender advisory and capacity building work, we offer advice to help organisations, businesses and projects structure inclusive processes in their plans and operations, for example through inclusive leadership, decent working conditions, value chains and selection criteria. We also focus on building the skills of organisations and project participants, helping them to use their gender lenses and facilitating interactive workshops to help integrate those lenses in their work. This includes training on topics such as gender awareness, confidence and leadership skills, and how to use showcasing as a strategy to realise gender transformative change. We also design and implement targeted affirmative actions to overcome structural inequalities.
To ensure our work truly makes a difference, we monitor and evaluate our efforts with a focus on gender. This means we use tools and indicators to assess how interventions impact different genders and how they help reduce gender gaps. Additionally, we use gender-disaggregated data to highlight gendered gaps
Four principles govern the approach we take to gender equal rights and equality across our activities:
Four principles govern the approach we take to gender equal rights and equality across our activities:
Structural inclusiveness: Integrating inclusive programme processes and mechanisms.
Showcasing: Normalising alternatives to constraining gender norms by highlighting successful examples.
Dare to be bold: Allocating resources to implement targeted affirmative actions that address structural constraints.