ZAMADZI: short courses on participatory management of water in Mozambique
The waters of the Zambezi river are shared among millions of people and enable daily life. However, sharing the Zambezi is complex and the river must be exploited in a sustainable way, with national and international agreements being fully respected. This can only be achieved if local populations, governments and the private sector have capacity to adequately manage their water.
ZAMADZI aims to capacitate the local populations, governments, and the private sector in the Zambezi Valley to adequately manage their water. Part of this NUFFIC funded project are short-duration courses. Resilience, in collaboration with Wageningen University, provided short-courses about Participatory Management of Water Resource and Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Systems. Resilience’ embedded knowledge of local irrigation and water management practices is reflected in the content of the course where academic knowledge sharing is alternated with practical assignments and field visits. This way, we contribute to capacity building of the Mozambican entities responsible for water management and Mozambican knowledge institutions throughout the Zambezi Valley. More information of the course can be found on: https://zamadzi.net/capacity/short-courses/courses-2019/
Participatory Management of Water Resources focuses on management of water through WASH, IWRM and water in the agricultural sector. The cases endow the 25 participants with the knowledge and skills to design effective forms of participation in water management and governance. The course about operation and maintenance of irrigation systems capacitated the over 40 participants to implement and guide operation and maintenance of practices and stakeholders in existing and future irrigation system in the Zambezi Valley.