Scaling up of evidence-based agricultural best practices in Ethiopia
In spite of impressive results in some high agricultural potential areas in recent years, the problem of low agricultural productivity still remains a major challenge to the overall development process with specific regard to food security in Ethiopia. A diverse range of factors such as low and variable rainfall, soil fertility, low adoption of technology, limited access to markets and credit, a weak extension system and low input supply can explain the low agricultural productivity in the country. Adoption of new and improved practices by farmers is often limited because of a mismatch between tamers’ needs and the practice itself.1
Resilience works with Wageningen University and Research to address these constraints through the SELECTOR project. SELECTOR supports the Ethiopian government to increase agricultural productivity in a sustainable way in order to enhance agricultural growth and to achieve food security. This is done by demonstrating evidence based agriculture best practices (practices preferred by farmers) to farmers and scaling out these practices with the help of the Bureau of Agriculture.
Through the dissemination of these evidence based agriculture best practices, the project will reach almost 50,000 farmers in two years’ time. This will allow farmers to significantly increase their farm productivity and income. 1Eyasu, E. and van Beek, C’.L. (2015) Scaling Innovations and Agricultural Best Practices in Ethiopia: Experiences and Challenges. Proceedings of the CASCAPE National Stakeholder Conference, 23-24 April 2014. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. CASCAPE Project, Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), Wageningen, The Netherlands.