
Monitoring Sugarcane crop health using Remote Sensing

A tailored method for using data to identify, differentiate and quantify the factors that influence the growth of sugarcane.


Open source remote sensing data is increasingly becoming available and can provide valuable information on the status of crops such as sugarcane in Mozambique. When this information is timely communicated, it can be of great value in the management and prevention of factors that cause crop loss such as under/over-irrigation, diseases, pests. However, this type of new data has not yet been made accessible for smallholder sugarcane farmers in Mozambique.

The process of retrieving useful information from remote sensing data about the growth of a crop and getting this information to the right place and person is still lacking.


With the introduction of new satellites and improved remote sensing techniques, higher quality spectral, temporal and spatial data is becoming available. This project aims to create a tailored method for using this data to identify, differentiate and quantify the factors that influence the growth of sugarcane. This enables us to monitor the status and health of the crop. With this information, areas of sugarcane that are experiencing stress can be identified and classified.


This research will make it possible to know where in the field crops are lagging in their growth, as well as what causes this lag. With this information, farmers can better target agronomic practices to increase their yields and income, and at the same time, use the available resources more sustainably. The expected outcome is to have specific vegetation indices that can be used to detect problems in the field when they can still be mitigated.

Chemba, Mozambique

Team members

