ISSD+ irrigated seed production in Uganda
The agricultural sector in Uganda contributes to about 2.6% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and it provides livelihoods to more than 70% of the population, as well as raw materials for the growing agro processing industries. Crop yields are highly dependent on the use of quality seeds, yet in Uganda only about 13% of farmers access quality seed for planting. Agriculture in Uganda is predominantly rain-fed, making it very risky especially for market linked production, such as the Local Seed Business. Agricultural production is increasingly adversely affected by the climate change and variability manifested by erratic rainfall patterns, prolonged dry spells, and floods causing the farm level production to fall below attainable yield.
ISSD+ project aims at improving agricultural productivity in Uganda through increased access to quality seeds of farmers preferred varieties by 300,000 households by the year 2020. This is achievable through training 250-300 entrepreneurial farmer groups to become sustainable Local Seed businesses to produce quality declared. In response to erratic rainfall patterns, prolonged dry spells, and floods, ISSD Plus project aims at providing evidence-based knowledge on how to advice farmers on irrigated seed production options.
Through the hands-on training session provided by Resilience, ISSD staff will be able to advice on what is the likelihood, timing and duration and associated risks of dry spells on current production systems, and what are available options to meet the water requirements during dry spells. An economic perspective will be used, to demonstrate the added value – looking at different technologies and the implication for the farming systems.