
FarmCollect.io M&E service


Traditional paper-based M&E is a process with several logistical bottlenecks in implementation M&E activities are often considered one of the least favourite jobs in project teams. Next to that, data is often incomplete or partly available, leading to unnecessary hassle and time wasted in the research of these data.


As we have experienced multiple data journeys in India, Tanzania, Mozambique, Rwanda and Ethiopia, our team has created a unique M&E platform and a workflow suited to local circumstances and project goals.

Resilience BV offers a unique service package supporting organisations in assessing the performance of projects. Effortless M&E is our promise to our clients, we provide consultancy on multiple levels of survey design, survey execution (with/without our field staff), M&E goal setting, planning and execution. Our FarmCollect platform is the perfect one-stop tool to store and access your M&E data directly linked to indicators.


The platform and workflow are currently being implemented as part of the implementation of APSAN Vale project; Piloting innovations to increase the Water Productivity and Food Security for Climate Resilient smallholder agriculture in the Zambezi valley of Mozambique.

Please under resources in the right-hand menu, download our Pitch deck that explains what makes our M&E offer unique.

Wageningen, Nederland

Team members

