In loving memory of our dear friend and colleague Piloto
November 22, 2023
Piloto has passed away in November 2023. His age and living efforts took their toll. He has been a father to many of us, taking care of the house and people of Resiliencia in Mozambique. He would see how Resilience grew from a workplace in our house to the office we have now and all the people in it. But his real workplace was a mountain “Cabeça del velho”, the “old man’s head” in Chimoio. He would walk up this mountain every day, and do his exercises on top of it. It was his temple, it was a miracle that he reached the top as he would stop and talk with anybody he would meet while going up (and down). I’d like to think that he came to rest, like the old man of Chimoio that he was. We will miss him. I will miss him.
Wouter Beekman